FPDI works with 28 Sub-Agreement Holder’s to build capacity to plan and invest in training activities based on their community priorities. Manitoba has the second highest Indigenous population in Canada and the ISET program provides funding for FPDI and the SAH’s to work toward reducing the employment, skills and earning gaps of First Nations learners.
On April, 2019 FPDI and ESDC entered into a 10 year ISET agreement. The ISET program is a successor program to the ASET strategy. During the 9 year ASET strategy, over 26,000 clients were trained, over 9,500 employed and 5,200 pursued further education. The ISET program includes: apprenticeship training, job start-up, career exploration, upskilling, wage subsidy and certificate programs. Since 2019, 3,258 ISET clients were trained, 1,046 employed and 323 returned to school.
Other programs include our Robotics and Drone training funded by Indigenous Service Canada. The program introduces stem concepts to indigenous youth.
In partnership with Aboriginal Employment Services (AES), FPDI manages the Labour Market Survey Initiative which implements measures, including processes and tools, to collect LMI information from select First Nations.
For training and employment services, please reference our Community Contact Page to contact your local First Nation Employment and Training Coordinator.
FPDI is governed by a Board of Directors of seven individuals elected from the thirty member First Nations.
The articles of incorporation of FPDI support the principle of grassroots or local decision-making while promoting, supporting and addressing the needs of First Nations through their local boards. In conjunction with the ISET program, FPDI is a component of the Federal Framework for Aboriginal Economic Development.
Operating under a funding agreement with ESDC, FPDI has a well-developed accountability and resource management reporting system. FPDI was rated as an “optimal capacity” holder by ESDC, indicating it has the capacity and expertise with program funding to successfully deliver the ISET program and accurately measure and report on successes.
FPDI supports member Sub-Agreement Holder’s by achieving greater success in employment and training initiatives through:
- Identifying Labour Market Opportunities
- Building Capacity & Facilitating Development
- Creating Partnerships with Industry & Educators
- Ensuring Fiscal Accountability
For training and employment services, please reference our Community Contact Page to contact your local First Nation Employment and Training Coordinator.
Maximize training and increase numbers of employed First Nation Individuals.
First Peoples Development Inc. supports the development of capacity within First Nations, and assists in addressing training and employment barriers to increase First Nation members’ participation in the labour market.
First Peoples Development Inc. is designed to assist First Nations Sub-Agreement Holders at the community level in developing and delivering their own programs and services that meet their labour market and employment needs.
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