Apprenticeship Support Project
Working to Seal a Better Future!
The Apprenticeship Project will assist Small and Medium Employers (SMEs) to hire first-year apprentices in one of the 39 Red Seal trades.
- Are you an Employer seeking to hire a first year apprentice or currently have an employee you would like to enroll in the apprenticeship system?
- Are you a first year apprentice seeking employment?
A $5,000 incentive is available for employer to hire a first year apprentice.
An additional $5,000 is available for hiring of an individual from an equity-deserving group.
Practical Nursing Program
The Practical Nursing program is a partnership with FPDI, Assiniboine Community College and the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA). The program starts March,2022 and ends January 2024.
The two year program is designed to prepare students with the competencies to practice as part of an interdisciplinary team and to deliver nursing care within the context of their scope of practice.
Known as a challenging and rewarding career for caring and compassionate individuals, becoming a nurse takes critical thinking, problem solving, effective interpersonal skills, flexibility and a strong background in mathematics and science. The program runs from March, 2022 to January, 2024.
Construction Electrician Pre-Employment Program
FPDI partnered with IBEW Local 2085 in January 2020 to deliver the Construction Electrician Pre-employment Program. This exciting trade will always be in demand as our society increases its reliance on basic electrical infrastructure to support home, business and industrial growth.
A construction electrician plans, assembles, installs, repairs, tests and maintains electrical fixtures and systems that provide heat, light, power or control in residential, commercial and industrial buildings. If you are interested in this trade, like precision work plus have a solid background in Mathematics, then you should consider taking this program. The theoretical core program contents have a huge Math component and to ensure successful completions we worked together with our partnering organization to offer a 5-week Math course prior to the start of the program.
FPDI Robotics Program
In 2015 FPDI envisioned the need to promote IT related careers to First Nations youth. With funding from Indigenous Services Canada, the Robotics Program has turned into a 6 year highly sought after program that has employed 26 Indigenous Youth Instructors. Since 2015 we have successfully delivered training to over 1,200 youth participants from 93 communities.
The workshops are facilitated by the FPDI Youth Instructors. Each workshop is two weeks long delivered in community or in various cities. The participants are introduced to STEM concepts and basic coding utilizing the Lego EV3 Mindstorm Robot kit. The workshop is augmented with a customized two-day drone workshop, in partnership with Decision Works, where participants learn about drones, their many uses and career possibilities. During the two weeks, participants experience self directed learning, team building, communication, problem solving, creative expression, and learning through play. The program ends with the participants building a sumo battling robot using what they learned during the two weeks. This is a friendly competition with generous mutual recognition.
Child Care Program
Funding is provided to First Nations daycares through the First Nations and Inuit Child Care Initiative (FNICCI). FNICCI funding is intended to support culturally appropriate, affordable, quality child care services.
FPDI supports 24 on-reserve First Nation Daycares. The Daycare centre staff work hard to provide their children, families and communities with high quality child care services. The program allows parents to pursue educational and career opportunities that might not have otherwise been possible. FPDI provides on going advice, support and yearly professional development for the 24 daycares.
A cultural project was developed in 2020. A children’s book was written about the importance of hand hygiene. The book is written in Ojibway and English. An order form is available below.
Labour Market Survey Initiative
In 2019 FPDI partnered with Aboriginal Employment Services (AES) to conduct an on-reserve labour market information (LMI) survey pilot to test processes and tools to improve the level of detail and timelines of labour supply information for on reserve communities. The survey gathers and analyzes Indigenous Labour Market Information (ILMI) of the 15+ population living on and off reserve. Seven participating First Nations surveyed their community members, collecting skills inventory information, education levels, employment history, previous training and other skills.
The goal of the on reserve ILMI survey pilot is to collect community level data on an annual basis for the benefit of First Nation communities. To date FPDI and the First Nations have collected 8,731 labour market surveys in Manitoba. Throughout the pandemic FPDI and the First Nations have faced the challenge of being unable to conduct surveys in person, but with the help of AES an online portal was created.
Welding Program
FPDI partnered with the Piping Industry Technical College of Manitoba (PITC) and the Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters (CME) to deliver a two-and-a-half-year Indigenous Welding Program. The program was a National Apprenticeship Consortium Pilot which started in 2018 and ended September, 2021.
The program began with a series of three, one-week welding camps funded by Enbridge. 45 individuals took part in the welding camps. These camps served as a recruitment strategy to enable the selection of participants who showed an aptitude and interest in welding. 13 participants were selected for further training. The recruitment method was recognized as a national best practice. “This approach is considered best practice within the sector and may help Indigenous participants build credibility with employers over the long-term. It will also have a positive impact on retention by reducing the likelihood that participants leave the program because of disinterest or discovering they do not like the trade.”
Class 1 Driver Training Program
Our valued partner, First-Class Training Centre Inc. (FCTC) offers the Class 1 Truck Driver program. From 2017 to 2021, 100 Indigenous students have taken the course; 72 completed and 69 % are employed in the industry.
As a member of the Manitoba Trucking Association, FCTC has certified instructors who warrant a high standard of training and support for students.
FPDI recognized the high demand for truck drivers in the labour market and took the initiative to ensure Indigenous students get the opportunity to fill these vacancies.
Drone Project – Digital Agriculture Field Data Collection
In partnership with Decision Works and the University of Winnipeg (UW), FPDI developed a Drone project on Digital Agriculture – Field Data Collection, funded by the Province of Manitoba – Building Sustainable Communities Grants.
The project is designed to train and employ 6 Indigenous Youth on the skills required to conduct field-level drone data collection, verify data and perform operations on the data in preparation for its use in image recognition, machine learning applications developed by the U of W. FPDI recognizes the demand and has since taken the initiative in ensuring Indigenous youth from Manitoba receive the opportunity to participate in this career field.
U o W is launching the Growing Digital Agriculture Initiative. This initiative is intended to create a significant depth of knowledge within the U of W on advancing the use of digital technologies to support modern agricultural techniques.
Just some of the many areas of knowledge development that will be the use of drones for collecting detailed field-level data on crop health, crop biomass, effectiveness of crop inputs, effectiveness of pesticides and so on.
To inquire about Drone Training, please contact Evan Colgan at ecolgan@fpdinc.ca
First Nations Youth Summit
In October 2018, over 100 youth from 51 of the 63 Manitoba First nations between the ages of 15 and 30 travelled to Winnipeg to participate in FPDI’s First Nations Youth Summit.
The summit brought the Youth together to discuss and share their visions for what they want to see in their communities that would benefit other Youth.
They learned how to write and submitted a project proposal based on their vision of what would benefit Youth in their respective communities.
In February 2019, the youth submitted their project proposals to ISC. FPDI and ISC assessed the submissions which resulted in all 8 community proposals being successful funded over $4m in community youth projects.
Heavy Equipment Operator Program
FPDI works in partnership with the Operating Engineers Training Institute of Manitoba (OETIM) to train Heavy Equipment Operators (HEO). OETIM has a reputation for providing leading-edge training in HEO.
This HEO program offers nationally recognized credentials allowing for mobility of skills and certifications throughout Manitoba and other Canadian Provinces.
From 2017 to 2021, 103 Indigenous individuals were trained. 102 completed the program and 64% found employment.
Traditional Drums for All
This project was funded by New Horizons for Seniors Program. Our goal was to address the isolation experienced by some seniors in our current Covid-19 world by offering an online tool to spark discussion about the significance of the traditional drum.
Our partner – Decision Works assisted us to created a step-by-step video on how to make a traditional drum, taught by Elder Mark Hall. Also filmed was Elder Clarence Nepinak, sharing the significance of the drum. These videos document the importance of traditional activities such as drum making as a means to maintain overall mental health and well being in the teaching of Mino Bimaadiziiwin – Living Well. A group of seniors and non-seniors gathered to experience hands-on learning on how to make a drum. This activity is documented in the drum video. The video is an interactive tool for use with senior or any other groups.
We hope you enjoy the videos and are inspired to try and make your own drum.
Plumbing Program
FPDI and the Piping Industry Technical College of Manitoba (PITC) partnered in March 2021 to offer the Plumbing course.
The pre-employment program is the first step to becoming a licensed Plumbing Technician. With its qualified instructors imparting the most up to date skills by utilizing innovative techniques, our partner PITC provides cutting-edge training for the learners.
Skills learned are measuring, cutting, bending, and threading pipe to specifications, assembling and installing valves, pipes, and fittings, reading blueprints, installing fixtures and related trim, interpretation of the plumbing code, rigging and material handling, piping-related mathematics and job safety. The program has a heavy Consumer Math component so good Math and drawing skills are helpful in succeeding in this course. Skilled plumbers are relied upon for effective water distribution, safe drinking water, and waste disposal.
Electrical Line Trade Program
CONTACT DEREK ROSS TO REGISTER – 204-794-6961 OR 204-987-9570
In 2020 FPDI partnered with the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2085 (IBEW Local 2085) to recruit and train 9 Indigenous individuals for Lineman careers. The program targeted unemployed and underemployed youth to be trained in the electrical sector.
Through the collaboration of many partners, the student’s tuition, living allowance and wraparound supports were fully paid. IBEW Local 2085 covered the student tuition through a grant from Electricity Human Resources Canada. FPDI paid for supports such as monthly bus passes. Upon graduation, FPDI paid for the climbing gear required for employment. Each student received monthly living allowance from their First Nation, contributed under the ISET program. These supports led to a very successful program with 100% completion success rate and a 100% employment. IBEW Local 2085 organized and secured the employment placements.
The program started January 18, 2021 and finished June 18, 2021. The training took place at the IBEW Centre of Excellence Training Centre. We thank IBEW for their outstanding instructors and their quality work.
Home Builders Program
FPDI and Manitoba Building Trades Institute (MBTI) entered into a partnership in 2020 to pilot a community-based Home Builders training program. Two Manitoba First Nation communities participated in the program, Dakota Tipi First Nation and Pine Creek First Nation.
The program includes practical construction learning and a multi-trade work experience program. Learners are exposed to the many different career paths available in the construction trades. Journeyman instructors, from various trades, supervise and mentor the learners. Upon completion, the participants will be more aware of which trade they want to pursue and continue their education in.
The program culminates in a 4 to 6 week practical work experience which involves hands on home building under guidance of a journeyman instructor. The participants receive hands on experience in carpentry, framing, plumbing, HVAC systems, electrical, mechanical, insulation, roofing, and interior finishing.
Food Security Project
FPDI partnered with Green Iglu and Nisichawayasihk Cree Nation (NCN) to construct a Growing Dome greenhouse and implement a training program. The project is funded by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada.
The proposed project involves establishing a greenhouse in the community and putting in place a fresh produce distribution system. The greenhouse and fresh produce distribution system will compliment the existing NCN Country Food Program that is now available to members. The greenhouse will operate on a year-round basis.
Food security is an ongoing challenge for many individuals living in rural and remote First Nation communities. The Project allows NCN to take important steps towards building a sustainable local food system that will mitigate some of the risks of food insecurity for its members. Green Iglu utilizes a skill-based training approach where learning goals and benchmarks/milestones are determined collaboratively. Green Iglu and FPDI will provide training, mentoring and support to get the greenhouse operational, to put policy and procedure in place and to design and implement the delivery mechanism.